
Monday, November 4, 2013

Journal 5: Tweet Tweet :)

I work at a private school, and I figured it may be a good idea to start a twitter account for our school. I followed a good handful of educational twitter accounts and sent out an e-mail to all our parents to add twitter if they'd like short messages from the school. Only 8 parents started following us, but I'm sure it will pick up soon. Although my primary job there is a teacher, I am given a lot of green lights to move the school forward when I see a good idea. So far, twitter as a communication tool with the parents isn't looking to be that effective - but time will tell. I haven't given up on it yet.

Even though I have a personal twitter account, I'm not inclined to it on a social level. I'm not too amused with what people (or celebrities for that matter) do from minute to minute. On an educational level, I am starting to see the benefit of getting short shout outs to articles and guided towards meaningful studies about education and learning. This has made twitter all the more worth while. One group I'm following is called extra-credit team. They're really amazing about clearly explaining and analyzing the multimedia world. :) That's one group everyone aught to check out.

One thing I haven't used in my classroom; however, I'm excited to explore is I like the idea that a buzz word can be searched for and a roll of comments with those words show up. I'll probably try it out this week.

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